
Flyer Download

Description of Role

To support the worship of the gathered assembly at parish liturgies through music.

Time Required

Practice time at home

Rehearsal time for major celebrations e.g. Easter and Christmas


Gifts & Talents

Ability to sing in tune

Willingness to develop these skills (ability to read music is not necessary)

Willingness to develop knowledge and understanding of the Mass

Ability to work as part of a team


Support Provided

Support is given by other choir members and the leader as required



Flyer Download

Description of Role

To support the worship of the gathered assembly at parish liturgies

To practice and prepare carefully at home and at group practice sessions

To attend Music Group / Choir rehearsals

Time Required

Practice time at home

Rehearsal time for major celebrations e.g. Easter and Christmas


Gifts & Talents

Ability to play a musical instrument confidently (ability to read music or play to any set standard is not necessary)

Willingness to develop these skills

Willingness to develop knowledge and understanding of the Mass

Ability to work as part of a team


Support Provided

Initially you will partner an experienced musician who will answer your questions and provide relevant information.



Flyer Download

Description of Role

Sing the responsorial psalm and gospel acclamation and lead the congregation responses.

Time Required

Practice time at home

Once every 3/4 weeks during Sunday Mass


Gifts & Talents

Ability to sing alone, either accompanied or unaccompanied by an instrument.


Support Provided

Support of accompanist and provision of Gregorian chant music for the Sunday if needed.  Practice in Gregorian chant provided.